Blackbird EHS Consulting Services ULC is a 100% Canadian-owned business operating in North Vancouver, BC.

About Blackbird

About Blackbird EHS Consulting Services ULC

The principle investigator at Blackbird is Mr. Michael W. Herald, CRSP, EP(CEA), EP(EMSLA). Mr. Herald is an Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor (EMSLA), Certified Environmental Auditor (CEA), and Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) in Canada and a trained US EPA Asbestos Building Inspector and Asbestos Project Designer. He is also currently on the Board of Directors of the Auditing Association of Canada (AAC) and past president of the Environmental Managers Association of BC (EMA of BC). He has conducted audits and assessments in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Macedonia.

He is a certified British Columbia Certificate of Recognition (COR) auditor for the Trucking Safety Council of BC (Safety Driven) and the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of British Columbia (FIOSA-MIOSA). He is also a certified Verifier for the Green Marine Environmental Program.

Career Summary

Michael has the following professional experience, education and training:

2010 – Present
Blackbird EHS Consulting Services ULC North Vancouver, BC
EHS Specialist

2002 – 2010
Stantec / Jacques Whitford, Burnaby, BC
Practice Director, Management Services

1996 – 2001
Morrow Environmental Consultants Inc., Burnaby, BC
Senior Environmental Scientist

1995 – 1996
SRK Robinson Inc., Burnaby, BC
Head of Audit Department

1994 – 1995
OHA Consulting Limited, Burnaby, BC
Project Manager

1987 – 1994
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, CA, & Boston, MA

Blackbird holds 2 million dollars in professional liability insurance and is currently registered and insured in Good Standing with the WCB of BC.

Our Portfolio

Incorporated in 2010, Blackbird staff have completed hundreds of environmental, health and safety (EHS) audits and management system assessments world-wide for over 30 years.

Our staff have worked for many industries and government agencies including:


Our Latest Projects:

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Fire Fighting Retardant Development and Manufacturing – Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Audits

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Health & Safety COR Audit of Fruit Fillings Producer

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Green Marine Verifications – Ports, Ship Owners, Ship Repair Facilities and Marine Terminals

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