Health & Safety Management System COR Audit of Waterfront Stevedoring Organization

Health & Safety Management System COR Audit of Waterfront Stevedoring Organization

Blackbird completed a Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) audit for a BC-based waterfront stevedoring organization against the WorkSafe BC Certificate of Recognition (COR) program requirements as administered by the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA).  The products stored at waterfront terminals included pulp, steel products, lumber products, general cargo and heavy equipment.  The stevedoring commodities handled included logs, steel products, lumber, pulp, newsprint, general cargo, heavy equipment, ship cleaning, and resupply of cruise ships.  Site visits were conducted over a period of six days where observations of work practices, interviews with selected individuals and record reviews were conducted.  Approximately 188 employees worked for the organization in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island.


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